
9 Work Days and Counting...

The morning went by as I was half sleeping from our tiring trip to New York City. Feel free to see my pictures in my albums by clicking here for album 1, here for album 2, and here for album 3.

This afternoon I started doing some background research for our hearing on Thursday, which, as I have been reminded 50 times, is my brothers birthday. In my research I summarized the 4 components of USDA research, ARS, ERS, NASS, and CSREES. These are my favorite kinds of projects, learning more about the tools I use or have heard about. I'm going to bed early because I spent a long time arranging my Facebook albums (click on the links in the first paragraph) and mostly because I'm really tired.

Tomorrow is THE Livestock, Dairy and Poultry hearing I've been looking forward to. Feel free to tune in online, it should get pretty interesting. If you don't, I'll try to fill you in tomorrow.

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