
USDA Certified

Today the rest of the staff and I were rushing around to set up meeting rooms for meetings we had as this was the last day we were in session this week as the Democrats take their retreat Thursday and Friday.

I began again to transcribe Mr. Peterson's Salt Lake City speech, but time goes quickly when you have to listen to an hour-long speech in 15 second increments, twice. The first meeting was one that made a lot of news today: Secretary Johann's recommendations for the 2007 Farm Bill, given right next door. We sat and listened to the Deputy Secretary give a detailed report, and were all handed thick books with every single recommendation they suggested.

Our office was really surprised. Overall the staff and Mr. Chairman ended up hearing more good ideas than they thought would come from the USDA. I got to see what kind of real numbers the Farm Bill works with, around $640 billion dollars. It seems like chump change compared to the national debt, around 8 trillion. I am surprised that agriculture is a whopping 7% of that number, as I thought it would be lower.

The next meeting was the first meeting for the Livestock, Dairy and Poultry subcommittee, just to get to know one another. There were no votes taken, it was more just to introduce themselves to one another, and understand exactly what they will be dealing with.

The day flew because I sat in meetings for 2 hours, and prepared for them for another hour and a half. I got out at 6:00 for the first time this week, and tomorrow is business casual. P.S. My story will be in the Minnesota Daily tomorrow.

1 comment:

Judy D. Hanson said...

Remember Lucas, that not all of the USDA budget goes to agriculture. Remember the food programs and lots of other stuff are part of the $640 billion. One can argue that conservation programs - may benefit non farm rather than farm people. There are so many absentee land owners involved etc.Judy Hanson