
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

We're all back at work for another week, just for you. At least those of you who aren't in the group of tax-evading citizens of America... and I was hard at work (although I am no part of taxpayer money) too. This weekend however I took my time up to Baltimore to catch an Oriole's game. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful stadium, and I'm getting really excited for the Twins to open their new venue a few years down the road. Also, on this trip me and my travelmate decided that since we are on the east coast, we might as well head up to New York. I think we're going to do that in a few weeks and catch a Yankees/Mariners game while we're up there.

I did my normal Monday routine and then I had a really exciting day. I did research, and sat in on a cool meeting. Unfortunately, I cannot say what the research was for at this time (but should be able to later this week) as it was for a committee hearing and the witness lists are not yet published. Then I sat in on one of the best meetings ever. I again cannot say what it was about, but it was pertinent to the Farm Bill. Basically another Congressperson came to Mr. Peterson with an idea for the Farm Bill. Last week I was put in charge of writing the memo directly to Collin to explain to him in 5-10 bullet points what the 5 pages of information I got was about. Collin, the other Congressperson, a proposer from said-Congresman's district, two staff members and I sat in Collin's office discussing it (of course by discuss I mean the proposer and the two Congressmen, with the staff at times nodding their heads yes or no, and me sitting there quietly, halfway in awe of where I was) and seeing everyone's reactions. It was a great time, that's all I can say.

These two things I cannot talk about are pretty funny. There are a lot of things that just are not yet public, and these are two fine examples. They mean possibly nothing, as both may never need to have been discussed or researched in the first place, but that's the great part about democracy, everyone has a voice, it just depends on who is listening. And from our meeting, I can tell how much Collin really really cares. I wish I was being paid to write this, but he seems to care more about doing stuff right, and that's my personal opinion. While we were in his office, he had no one to impress to get re-elected, and the meaning and feeling he put into what he was saying about the Farm Bill and what "we" need (we - meaning the people of the 7th district) was just great to watch. I cannot say whether all Members feel that way, but the two in the office (both Ag. Comm. Members) sure talked like it with no cameras around. Also, being on the Ag. Committee obviously isn't a place to be to get famous, at least it wasn't until now. They went on to talk about the Farm Bill and the money that they thought we should have for it, and neither of these two Members thought their work was done. They have been talking to the leadership, and I think they will keep talking.

Well, now that everyone is thoroughly confused I will just conclude by saying it was the best meeting I have ever been to in my life, and probably will stay that way for some time. It also gave me the best sense of what democracy is all about, and a good look into what a Congressman should be. Again, I try to write this blog in my opinion, and I have never been scolded or praised at work for expressing my opinions on here, but I will just say this: Mr. Peterson is doing his job, and doing it well, and I wish him lots of luck in the future after what I saw today. He's a good man.

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