While it lasted about 8 minutes, my meeting with Secretary Johanns was a good one. He was very down to earth, nonchalant, and seemed to care about us during the little time he had to meet. We were brought in, shook his hand and introduced ourselves, and asked where we were from. Then we each (three of us; Garrett (minority intern), Gabe and me) had an individual picture with him, and a group photo as well. He told us about how he loved Washington, D.C., and he said, "I love it here, you know, I don't even know why they pay us." He wished us well and we walked back up to the House Office Buildings. The pictures were taken by a professional photography, so they should arrive some time this week or next.
I woke up to a couple inches of snow on the ground, which had melted/been plowed on the city streets already, so traffic was normal, even though many schools were closed. I started entering quotes for Peterson, Senator Harkin, Senator Chambliss, and Secretary Johanns into a database, and continued as much as I could during a busy day at the office of random mail drop-offs and interesting phone calls. I came home to find a couple cards, about 100 Facebook and email messages, and a nice present from JC Penney's (James Cash Penney, founder of the store, was an Alpha Gamma Rho by the way). Then I got the best present ever... a nap! So it was another good day, which I have noticed happens quite often out here. Work takes a lot out of me just because the day is so long, but when I can come home to a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, I know I'm living the good life. "Just livin' the dream." I remembered that I took some pictures with my camera this weekend, so hopefully I can put them up tomorrow.
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