
Transcription Accomplished.

It gets quite cold out here. It has been for a week now, but the wind just doesn't die down. Luckily today I found a new route to and from work underground, it saves me a total of three blocks from the cold! This morning was the usual phone answering for the staff meeting, sorting mail, and doing some research on the internet. This afternoon, I sat myself in a room and finished the last 40 minutes of the Farm Bureau speech. I can say now that I am done I know a lot more about the policy the Farm Bill may hold ahead, and (because it was requested) I will provide a link if that transcription is ever put online. At the end of the day I was given the task to attend my first ever hearing, this one for the Subcommittee on Agriculture for the Appropriations committee. Apparently to get in the room I will need to stand in line for two hours, then write down as much as I can. It is a hearing about Food Safety, so we have joint jurisdiction.

After work I was invited to a Texas A & M reception, two co-workers, including the other intern, are Aggies, so it was a good way to eat supper and meet some people, which I didn't do much of as I was focused on Sprite and Egg Rolls.

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