
A Little Late

Yesterday was Ag. Day, and I had the opportunity to attend an event sponsered by FFA, ADM and John Deere on behalf of Agriculture Future of America(AFA). SkillsUSA partcipants also attended. The event was basically a be proud of ourselves and keep promoting agriculture event, similar to most motivational speeches by FFA Presidents at any State Convention (no offense, it is just that they are all very alike). That was at 3 pm, and I got in on a picture with Secretary Johanns along with AFA, and got back to work by 4:30. Later in the evening I headed out to supper with DC-area AFA members, Advisory Team Members and Employees at Chadwicks. Unfortunately, I went to the wrong Chadwicks. It ends up that there are actually 3 Chadwicks in the D.C. area, and two right on Wisconsin Avenue. I went to the one at Friendship Heights (thinking oh great, right across from the Metro station), but I was 3 miles away from my final Georgetown destination. So I stood in the rain waiting for a cab, and when it pulled up, there was a passenger in the back. Long story short, my 3 mile and 15 minute cab ride turned into a long ways and a lot of time. I ended up being an hour late, felt horrible, but everyone seemed to be okay with it. Originally they thought I was at the Chadwicks in Old Town Alexandria, which is a lot farther than 3 miles.
Other than that the day went smoothly. Between attending a couple of meetings and keeping an I on the basketball scores, today should be just fine.

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